Remote Stimulation Services.
How do we work with large scale areas?
In 1964, physicist John Stewart Bell proved that quantum physics was in fact a complete and workable theory. His results, now called Bell’s Theorem, effectively proved that quantum properties like entanglement are as real as the moon and today the bizarre behaviours of quantum systems are being harnessed for use in a variety of real-world applications.
Quantum entanglement is a theory put forward by Albert Einstein. What it means is that intertwined particles (for example, two photons) are inextricably related to each other, so that a change in one particle cannot occur without the other particle changing as well, even if the particles are on the opposite ends of the universe. Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when groups of elementary particles (photons) are produced in proximity, connected in quantum state. Quantum entanglement suggests that acting on connected elementary particles, even if across large distances can instantly influence each other. In quantum physics, entangled particles remain connected so that actions performed on one affect the other, even when separated by great distances.
Utilising this quantum physics principle “action at a distance” we effectively remedy and treat larger areas such as commercial farming operations.
How do the remote packages work?
Step 1:
Farmers register and sign up for our services by providing clear maps or accurate GP coordinates of their farm.
Provide the coordinates through aerial photographs or maps such as Google (Below). For small sites or undercover farming, provide pictures of all the corners of the grow area (Right). Open Field Tests should have fixed markers/poles clearly visible, indicating the designated area.
We connect information which supports plant growth. This set of instructions assists plants to develop better. Stimulates soil conditions, structures soil water, improves plant growth and increases flowering. The stimulation information results in increased leaf sizes, it stimulates root growth and makes plants flower better. This product supports the overall well being of plants and results in higher sugar levels in fruit and vegetables. Our frequencies enhance farming operations which reduces the amount of money spend on fertilisers. This product improves hydration in plants, creates strong internal water structures that reduces damage caused by environmental stresses such as frost.
Our frequency module emits beneficial energies which lowers water consumption, stimulates plant growth, and protects against frost (-4 C).
The frequency emits 24 hours a day and covers two hectares (20,000m2). Your order is valid for 12 months.
Supporting your operation has never been easier. Our frequency modules are uniquely programmed to emit a frequency specifically targeting plants or animals.
Over time the natural ecosystem returns and stays balanced for longer periods.